What do you know about the Victory Ships?


The Victory ship was a class of cargo ship produced in large numbers by North American shipyards during World War II. They participated in high-speed convoys with a total of 531 Victory ships built. Tampa just so happens to be home to one of the few remaining ships from this era named, “American Victory.”

Now honoring 76 years of service, on September 2, 2021, a dinner cruise and celebration of American Victory will be held on the Yacht Starship in support of her 2022 scheduled Dry Dock for refurb and repairs. Spark Growth was delighted to support this unique asset reflecting America’s tenacity and innovation. You can learn more about the American Victory at their museum website: https://www.americanvictory.org/

It was a pleasure to attend the Victory Over Japan celebration where we connected with other residents of the area to honor our troops today and in the past. Thank you to everyone who joined the event.

Also, see how Spark Growth has supported the efforts of the American Victory here: https://station2innovation.com/local-innovation-firm-spark-growth-wins-local-innovation-challenge/