Multi-generational. Relational. Embracing innovation.
These were some of the themes of the Women’s Entrepreneurship Day Summit of 2021 in New York City. Sara Hand, CEO of Spark Growth, attended the Woman’s Entrepreneurship event with daughters, Emma and Laura. Experiences included talking with other women about how they relate to their children or how they are looking to relate to their children. Sara, a multi-generational change-maker, encourages others to include children in goal setting and concepts around their companies. The themes discussed included generational wealth and belief systems; for Sara, it was the aspect of watching her children relate to people and recognizing their own autonomy as unique entrepreneurs.

Ongoing relationships were built during the summit and potential projects and other collaborations were established. It was a space for multi-generational projects to gain life — women and daughters, children and their caretakers. It was interesting to note that not everyone was present for the same reason. Some participants came to explore why they felt drawn to the space and how they could use their talents to accomplish.
During breakout rooms, participants had the opportunity to share what they were hearing and how the summit’s work impacted multitudes as individuals from around the globe attended. At the virtual event, Jenni Britton Bauer of “Jenni’s Ice Cream” spoke on showing up and growing where you’re at. The road is here, and the road is hard…starting and growing a business is hard. “People call it bumps in their road, but it’s just the road…the road is just hard,” Emma summarized. Others shared what appeared to be complex processes, breaking down systems so that those who are not experts could also understand.

There was plenty of delicious food and interesting people. The composition of the crowd was varied and, although in an Indonesian Consulate, there was a global presence. It was a balance of young people starting their careers and those with plenty of experience to share. One family included 17-year-old girls starting their first fashion line with their father; they focus on how to balance sustainability with production. Present and shining was the legacy of producing by hand. Also present was the conversation of credit as a learned topic (not intuitive) and the need to learn credit to avoid hurting one’s business. Overall, overlapping and divergent topics weaved throughout the summit, speaking to all.

IF YOU’RE INTERESTED IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP DAY AND SUPPORTING THIS GLOBAL CAUSE in a local setting then sign up to be a woman ambassador! Recruitment is happening right now. They are seeking people to host events and have local day events around global entrepreneurship day. Go here to learn more.