Our Core Team

With over 200 key partners across our global ecosystem, our core team and contracted consultants work to get you the results you need while upholding the highest ethical, business, and personal standards. We are prepared to change the world by changing the way you think and do business.

Spark Growth is led by a five-person Core Team of Executives who are rigorous researchers and experts in their respective fields. This collaborative leadership model sets us apart and reflects our core principles. For us, five experienced minds working together to make strategic decisions are stronger than one.

Learn More about Some of our Trusted Clients and Partners


Spark Growth’s processes, workshops, and training programs emphasize connections, resources, and holistic solutions – and the methods that link them together. Over 13,000 Spark Growth workshop attendees have gone on to make major changes and enact core-technology transformations with a measurable impact. Clients such as Siteworks have more than doubled revenue with the assistance of Spark Growth consultants.

Spark Growth’s processes, workshops, and training programs emphasize connections, resources, and holistic solutions – and the methods that link them together. Over 13,000 Spark Growth workshop attendees have gone on to make major changes and enact core-technology transformations with a measurable impact. Clients such as Siteworks have more than doubled revenue with the assistance of Spark Growth consultants.

Spark Growth in What Matters

Core Team Developments, Business Model Innovations, and Brand & Thought Leadership.

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