Published by SRQ Media Thursday, January 17
On January 23-24, city and county leaders from across Florida will gather in Tampa as part of the Synapse Innovation Summit—a series of workshops and seminars organized by Bradenton-based Spark Growth to kick-off discussions on moving toward “smarter” communities. These workshop sessions are designed to bring key learnings from leading worldwide smart city programs back to Florida city and county leadership to learn and define together what “smarter” looks like across the state and into the future. The Synapse Innovation Summit expects to bring 5000 participants over two days.
Workshop formats are invitation-only for city/county leaders, but there will be two “Toward Smarter Communities” general sessions available for all Synapse attendees both Wednesday and Thursday at 11am. The first will feature Bright Spots across Florida, highlighting transformative “Smart Community” stories, and the second will showcase “Emerging Trends in Connected Communities.” Tickets are available at the website below. Use CODE SPARKSYNAPSE19 to save $25 off registration.